Stuff That Makes a Difference

"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

A Closed Mouth Don't Get Fed

Principles of Getting Rich Fast

The Secret is full of truths...many more truths than just the Law of Attraction, and they have been told for many years while being passed down in many different story forms. True happiness shall never fade in the eyes of the rightful owner. Many seek the truth yet only find a great deal of pain...why is that? You cannot cook a successful dish if you leave out majority of it's ingredients...that is why!

What we need is a desire that will never stop fulfilling us. It has to fulfill us endlessly, making us feel more and more pleasure. It shouldn't fade away once we achieve it, but on the contrary, upon achieving it, the pleasure should increase.

Sooner or later, one of our desires will lead us into pain or sorrow, emptiness, trouble, or illness. This is because all our desires are out of balance with our environment.

We feel a desire, we lack something, and now we need to use our environment in order to fulfill that lack. In other words, our desires always force us to change something in our environment in order to balance what we imagine will bring us fulfillment.

The following is not The Secret...but rather the truth to The Laws of Nature which act as a study guide for personal growth and the development of oneself.

Summary of the Seven Natural Laws of Love

* Love is its own law. Let love be your guiding principle. When in doubt, listen to your heart. Don’t allow mental concepts, beliefs, or assumptions that are not based on love to dictate your behavior.

* The law of source. You are the source of love. The love inside you is abundant and eternal. You don’t need to beg, control, or compromise in order to be loved.

* The law of attraction. The more you focus on love and gratitude, the more you will be surrounded by love. If you complain, blame, and dwell on fear, you’ll attract others who are also resentful, angry, and fearful.

* The law of unity. Love knows no borders and no boundaries. Love includes everyone and everything. Love takes no position, rising above separation. Find unity within by resolving the conflicts inside yourself and you won’t have to act them out with another.

* The law of truth. Let telling the truth about who you are and what you are feeling and thinking be your foundation. Vulnerable self-disclosure allows for empathy and understanding. The more truth is shared the more love grows.

* The law of consciousness. Love is a state of consciousness available only when you’re willing to relinquish your defenses. Protection is a barrier to love. Love cannot be given or taken but it can be shared. The vibration of love in you is often stimulated when you come into contact with one who carries it.

* The law of forgiveness. It’s ok to make mistakes. Very few humans are able to love perfectly. Forgive yourself and others generously and you’ll always have a second chance. Focus more on giving than getting and you’ll have much less forgiving to do.