Stuff That Makes a Difference

"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

A Closed Mouth Don't Get Fed

Ignorance Is The Only Evil

The truth we all deserve. Ignorance is the only evil in life! Love, knowledge and harmony are the tools to abolish all evil, which will result in the ability to see life as it should be seen. We all have an unlimited supply of love, energy, power, ideas & resources that can alter any of life's situation to your desired outcome. The sad thing is that when someone, or some situation presents itself to us, we fail to acknowledge it's presence which leads to failure or disappointment. I personally came from nothing and ended up with the ability to see, feel & manipulate the unlimited supply of intelligence, and abundance that is offered to us all. Through experience, pain, pleasure, isolation and a burning desire to obtain all that the universe has to offer, I've received more than I could of ever imagined. I am now trying to share the gift of life to all who seek it.

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